Changes to the EMDG for 2020
The Government has recently announced some changes to the Export Marketing Development Grant (EMDG) for 2020 applications.
Please see below the significant changes:
Removal of the export performance requirements
The Government has waived the export performance test for those applying for a grant for the 2019–20 grant year, from 1st July 2020. Any business which has incurred eligible EMDG expenses for promotional activities in 2019–20 will be able to seek reimbursement for 50% of these expenses without the Export Performance Test applying.
First Tranche Payment Increased to $100,000
The Government has also increased the first tranche payment from $40,000 to $100,000 effective 1st July 2020. This will apply to 2019-20 applications.
Claiming promotional expenses impacted by COVID-19
Have you incurred EMDG-eligible expenses for promotional activities in 2019–20 and 2020–21? If these activities have now been impacted by COVID-19 (such as trade show cancellations), Austrade will treat these activities as having taken place. Therefore, any incurred expenses will be eligible for EMDG reimbursement in 2019–20 and 2020–21.
Note that if you have been paid for incurred expenses (by a third party such as an event organiser), or are entitled to be paid (such as refunds or insurance), these expenses are not eligible for EMDG.
Reach out to the KP Retail team via our contact form if you need assistance with your EMDG application.